I am glad that you are here! My name is Toshita and I have written all of the reviews on this website. I read mostly fiction usually Young-Adult fiction, however I do enjoy reading all types of books. I have been running this blog since 2014 but it has been an on again, off again type of affair. Due to the fact that this blog has existed for such a long time the formatting of the reviews has changed. In the older posts, I include link to the Goodreads page for the book as well as a link to buy the book on Amazon. I have decided to no longer do that because I think it is unnecessary and annoying. Another thing that I used to do was post the books that I have read every week. Those posts were always hard to make because of how tedious it was. I will not be posting weekly updates on the books I have read but I will include my recent activity on Goodreads down below. Feel free to follow me on Goodreads if you like my taste in books! Since this is a book review blog,...
This review was requested by the author. Charlie Brady has never even thought of the possibility of extraterrestrial life being real. His life had more pressing matters like the Great War and how to survive. That is until one day, one of those very lifeforms physically took him off the planet. The aliens took him several times adding fear about future abductions to his very terrestrial concerns of outrunning the mob and falling in love. Will Charlie be able to survive it all? When I received the message to review Big Orange Flying Dinner Plate, I happily agreed to read and review it. I haven’t read many books about alien abductions so I wanted to take a shot at reading this book. Since I haven’t read a lot about alien abductions and since it is a topic that can be interpreted very differently by every single person, I did not have any expectations as I went into this book. With that being said, I didn’t enjoy it. The narrative style of the book was weird and there were moments where th...