The Maze of Bones is the story of Amy and Dan Cahill. After the death of their beloved grandmother Amy and Dan find out that they are members of one the most powerful families in the world. In her will Grace Cahill, Amy and Dan's grandmother, issues a select number of Cahills a challenge: take one million dollars and leave or join the hunt for the 39 clues which will make you the most powerful person in the world. Amy and Dan decide to join the hunt for the clues. Will they be successful in finding the clues or will their competitors beat them to it? I recently started reading the 39 clues series. I really regret not reading it when I was younger because I would have loved it. I really liked the way Amy and Dan were so normal yet abnormal. I also liked the mystery that shrouded the whole book. You thought you knew what was going on and then BOOM! Another piece of information was revealed and it changes your mind on everything. I would give The Maze of B...
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